Body Types

Framework allows for having as many body types as you want. However, currently in use there are only two: basic male and female. Currently there is no plans to include other body types, but things can change in the future.

Both of them are arbitrary split into 5 parts plus head mesh (head is a separate mesh):

Naked version is a default state of the character. The nature of the framework is such that it will always load these parts, as defined in the Character Data Asset, which is needed to initialize the component. It is called Default Item Set as illustrated in the following screenshot

Each body part has it's respective tag defined in its Item Definition Data Asset. Once you equip the character with an item which has the same tag, the body part gets hidden. Example - equipping pants. You no longer will need legs mesh since there's no use for it. In case of items which cover more than a single body slot, such as sweaters, they can ban additional body tags. Only Default Item Set is affected by such bans.

As mentioned before, all of this is an arbitrary and can be reconfigured to include as many or as few parts as needed. You could have entire character made out of only 3 configurable sets of parts, or in our case, have lots of different layers.

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