Changelog and Roadmap

Version Changelog

0.10A Initial Release - May 12, 2024 First release of the framework. Barebones version with very few QoL features for runtime usability, but nearly feature-complete back end

0.11A - July 24, 2024 New features: - Mesh replacement expansion Added sorting by priority to resolve conflicts and allow for more complicated combinations - Item bans Allows to blacklist certain items from being equipped together to resolve impossible cases of item combination. Reflected in the UI as well - Presets Major feature allowing to save and load presets both through UI as well as at runtime. Makes character customization and setup incredibly easy - Character material hard overwrite Small temporary feature letting you overwrite skin material of the character through Character Data Asset to make the framework ignore body material textures set by Item Data Assets


  • Fixed a bug with material data assets not loading sometimes in in preview scene, making UI experience with material selector clunky and unpleasant, if textures are not preloaded in memory

  • It is now impossible to equip items with a wrong body type. Also, they will not show up on the UI

  • Proper inheritance for demo content to solve issues with External Assets

  • Various small bug fixes and function/variable cleanup

0.12A - August 24, 2024 New features: - Global SCurve adjustment on all materials From now on all character materials have this parameter exposed, you can set it in the component settings. This expands or contracts value range (depends on the parameter set) to help characters look great in any light setup. - Consolidation tool This tool, shipped with any 0.12A and up packs, allow to move and consolidate multiple Character Builder instances. It can also be used to move folders. Big quality of life change to make packs more usable together. - Save to Data Asset conversion tool This tool allows to convert locally saved presets to more permanent Data Assets, which is much easier to use.

0.13A (Current) - September 12, 2024

New features: - Expanded functionality of Mesh Replacement System More sophisticated and slot-targeted functionality to avoid doing manual entries in case of more typical edits across large number of items.

Current plans

Right now we're working on converting all legacy packs to the latest version (0.12A). It takes a while, since old content was done in a slightly different way, we're reworking some models and making sure that replacement meshes combos are working great across ~70 different items. Other goal is just developing more content.


In light of upcoming marketplace changes and a few other things going on the background, these goals might not be realistic, nobody knows what future holds at the moment. However, here's planned changes and hopeful timeframes for them: 0.15A - UI overhaul, possibly with Common UI. Planned for late autumn/early winter 2024 0.20A - Functionality expansion and more interaction through UI with Character Data Asset. Ability to customize faces, textures and base materials through the UI. Planned for 2025 with more concrete dates and timeframes early next year. 0.25A - Standalone plugin with huge runtime performance boost. Late 2025

Last updated