What is an Item ID

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Every single item provided by the packs has its own unique ID assigned in its respective Item Data Asset. It is an integer of length of 9 digits with a format of XXYYYZZCC

XX - body type, currently in use - 10 and 20 (female and male) YYY - pack number item belongs to ZZ - item number in the pack CC - variation of the item

Learn more about Body Types

ID is used a lot to indirectly and non-destructively reference items across different packs which might or might not be present in your project/selection of items for the character.

Usage of Item ID:

  • Selection of currently equipped items

  • Setting material collection tags

  • Picking right alternative meshes for Mesh Replacement System

  • Item filtering by body type

  • Banning incompatible items from being equipped

  • UI interaction with component

Last updated