Data Assets and their function

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Currently the framework is built using 5 different Data Asset types.

Primary Tag Definition

Learn more about Body Types and basic parts Also take a look at Quick Integration Guide for context of using this Data Asset

This Data Asset is supplied by default with all characters. It contains a list of all possible equipment slots that will be processed by the instance of the framework you feed this Data Asset to.

Outlined in red are default body part tags.

Outlined in green are additional tags for additional items, they are not represented by the default item. You can make a copy of this Data Asset to include in the customization only the tags you want. If you do so, it will filter out automatically all of the items not matching the tag here.

Character Definition

This Data Asset type has a lot to unpack

This is core Data Asset which supplies the character with default set of items as well as tells it which head mesh and body type to use.

  • Head Mesh - Head of the character;

  • Default IKRetargeter - IK Retargeter which is used by framework unless you overwrite it manually in the Item Data Asset;

  • Default Item Set - Set of Item Data Assets which act as a base of the character when nothing is equipped;

  • Default Invis Mesh - Base mesh of the character when no items are present, even default item parts;

  • Head Anim BP - Animation Blueprint for head where you can inject your facial animation.

  • Body Type Signature - Integer which acts as a filter for Items you might equip to prevent mismatches between body types;

  • Body and Head Materials - you need to select both for this to have an effect. Temporary solution to hard overwrite all skin materials;

Last updated